Aerobic / Varient Yoga


Aerobic / Varient Yoga

Aerobic exercise, also known as cardio, is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. "Aerobic" is defined as "relating to, involving, or requiring oxygen", and refers to the use of oxygen to meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism adequately. Aerobic exercise is performed by repeating sequences of light-to-moderate intensity activities for extended periods of time. Examples of cardiovascular or aerobic exercise are medium- to long-distance running or jogging, swimming, cycling, stair climbing and walking.

Fee Structure

Monthly Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 600.00 108.00 708.00
Non Member 650.00 117.00 767.00
3 Month's Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 1600.00 288.00 1888.00
Non Member 1750.00 315.00 2065.00
6 Month's Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 2875.00 518.00 3393.00
Non Member 3120.00 562.00 3682.00

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