Uttar Mumbai Krida Mahotsav

All the school and college and association students are requested to participate in large numbers, utilizing this platform provided by Poinsur Gymkhana and grow in the field of professional sports.
Poinsur Gymkhana, under the leadership and guidance of our Ex. Member of Parliament Shri Gopal Shetty ji, takes pride in hosting Uttar Mumbai Krida Mahotsav 2023 a sports festival covering 21 games that offer our young and promising sport stars a platform to showcase their talent.
Poinsur Gymkhana has been conducting this Mega Sports Event since last 21 years, encouraging the young talent from Mumbai. Last year participation of students in this tournament was 8129 and with every successful year the participation just keeps increasing.

Our achievement is in the parents’ faith that their child’s holistic development will definitely happen with Poinsur Gymkhana’s expert coaches and support staff guiding them and making them ready to perform at a professional level.

With an exceptional response received last year on the successful conduct of this sports event, Poinsur Gymkhana’s vigor in organising Uttar Mumbai Krida Mahotsav 2023 has amplified.


Total Games


Total Games


Total Games

List of sports in Krida Mahotsav


General Rules & Regulations

The participants should properly fill up (in Capital Letters) the separate form in duplicate for each event, age group of boys & girls.

Entry form will be accepted on first cum first serve basis.

No entries will be accepted after the last date of entry mentioned against each game.

Participants should bring their own sports gear.

Any wrong information given, unsporting behaviour or damage to the property shall be the responsibility of the participants/school/organizations and can lead to disqualification and cost of the damages shall be recovered from them.

The panel of judges’ decision will be final. Protest if any, should be lodged in writing within 15 minutes of the declaration of the Results of that particular game with a protest fee of Rs. 1500/-. The same will be refunded if the protest is upheld. The decision of the tournament/technical committee will be final.

The participants can participate at their own risk to person or property.

The organizing committee has the right to add /delete / amend any of the general & specific rules without giving prior notice to the participants/schools/Organizations.

Every team shall be accompanied by a sports teacher/coach, who along with the participants of the competing teams shall report to the organizers of the tournament one hour prior to their scheduled time of respective game.

All participants should abide by the rules & regulations of the tournament/meet and request for any postponement shall not be entertained.

All entry forms must be duly signed by an authorized person to authenticate the date of birth OR Xerox copy of Birth Certificate/Proof of age must be submitted with the entry form or carry at the time of event to produce in case demanded by any officials.

All fees should be paid in favor of “Poinsur Gymkhana” by cash, cheque, credit/debit cards or through UPI. In case of Cheque Payment Participation will be allowed only subject of realization of cheque.

All participants should collect their prizes on the day & time of the Prize Distribution itself or else they will be forfeited.

All games shall be played as per the Rules prescribed by the Governing Body of the respective games.

Please abide by the above rules and regulations (Specific & General) to enable Gymkhana to conduct each & every Tournament/Event in an orderly manner and to enable the players to play the game in the true spirit of sportsmanship with dignity and honor.

Sport Coaches

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Milind Panchal

Abhay Ingle

Vishwanath Madhav

Cyril Dsouza

Moreshwar Ingole

Navin Varghese

Manasi Bhingarde

Kishore Shetty

Vimlesh Singh

Hitendra Jadhav

Manoj Hate

Raj Singh

Ronny Dsouza

Kishore Shetty

Santosh Chavan

Harish Rao

Bhushan Mhatre

Kishore Shetty

Kedar Dhawle

Sport Results

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable

There are many variations of passages the majority have suffered alteration in some fo injected humour, or randomised words believable