

Cricket is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of 11 players on a field with a 22-yard pitch at the center. Each end of the pitch has a wicket, consisting of three stumps and two bails. The batting team has two players—one, the striker, faces the bowler, who delivers the ball from the opposite end. The striker aims to hit the ball and run to the nonstriker’s end, scoring a run for each successful exchange. Runs can also be scored if the ball reaches the boundary or if the bowler bowls illegally.


Fee Structure

Monthly Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 750.00 135.00 885.00
Non Member 850.00 153.00 1003.00
3 Month's Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 2025.00 365.00 2390.00
Non Member 2300.00 414.00 2714.00
6 Month's Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 3600.00 648.00 4248.00
Non Member 4100.00 738.00 4830.00

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