

Yoga-like practices were first mentioned in the ancient Hindu text known as Rigveda. Yoga is referred to in a number of the Upanishads. The first known appearance of the word "yoga" with the same meaning as the modern term is in the Katha Upanishad, which was probably composed between the fifth and third centuries BCE. Yoga continued to develop as a systematic study and practice during the fifth and sixth centuries BCE in ancient India's ascetic and Śramaṇa movements. The most comprehensive text on yoga, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, date to the early centuries of the Common Era; Yoga philosophy became known as one of the six orthodox philosophical schools (Darśanas) of Hinduism in the second half of the first millennium CE. Hatha yoga texts began to emerge between the ninth and 11th centuries, originating in tantra.

Fee Structure

Monthly Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 400.00 72.00 472.00
Non Member 450.00 81.00 531.00
3 Month's Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 1075.00 194.00 1269.00
Non Member 1200.00 216.00 1416.00
6 Month's Fees
  Fees G.S.T. Total
Member 1900.00 342.00 2242.00
Non Member 2150.00 387.00 2537.00

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